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Poodle (Standard)

Size 37.5–38.5 cm

Weight 20.5–32 kg

Coat Thick and dense

Colour All solid colours

Lifespan Approx. 13 years

Activity Level High

Characteristics & Personality

Key attributes: kind, affectionate, calm, loyal, reliable, high spirited.

Poodles are an affectionate, responsive, and energetic breed of dog that can be trained easily, and they make for an excellent and loyal companion. They also tend to be a good-natured and loveable pet. Poodles also love active owners and trips to the park. In Australia, Poodles are among the dog breeds who visit the vet most often.

What breeds to Poodles have compatibility with?

Owners Affectionate 5

Children Usually good 3

Other Pets Good 3

Strangers Friendly 4

Unfamiliar Dogs Friendly 4

(Scale: 1 = caution – 5 = excellent)

Owner Profile

An active owner to keep up with a poodle’s energy and give it the attention and affection it loves.